Physiotherapy Can Relieve Your Pain Naturally
A healthy, strong, and active lifestyle is what everyone strives for. However, it is not always easy to obtain, especially for those suffering from chronic pain. The very thought of going out and exercising with your aches and pains may leave you feeling uncomfortable. However, there is, fortunately, a simpler solution to gaining the active lifestyle you desire. Cure can help you achieve desirable levels of health and fitness, all while reducing your pain. If you are looking for a healthier, stronger, and more active lifestyle, book an appointment today!
How do I begin?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes work, but once you get into the groove of it, it becomes much easier. For example, eating nutritious foods is one of the easiest ways to improve your health (although we know those sweets are hard to kick.) Physical activity is the hardest aspect to get in the habit of doing, especially if you are being held back by chronic pain. Some people try to mask their symptoms with anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medications, while others, unfortunately, give up on the idea of being active altogether. Luckily, there is an alternative option: physiotherapy. With the help of an Edmonton, AB physiotherapist, it is possible to reclaim your pain-free, healthy lifestyle, and get back to doing the activities you love.
What exactly is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy generally consists of three important phases: pain relief, strengthening, and functional integration. Some people are apprehensive about physiotherapy because they believe it will hurt them; however, the opposite is usually true. Physiotherapy is aimed at pain relief and strengthening, and our Edmonton, AB physiotherapist will make sure that your treatment plan won’t bring you any pain or discomfort. This is achieved through several treatment services, such as soft tissue release, manual therapy, stretching, bracing, ice and heat therapies, and ultrasound.
An active lifestyle is also dependent upon movement. Our physiotherapist will cater your treatment plan around specific movements designed to increase your strength, flexibility, balance, and overall mobility. He or she will assist you with many of these exercises, but will also provide some simple ones that can be done at home.
The end result of advanced physiotherapy is living the life you want, free from painful limitations. That can only happen when you apply the concepts you learn from your treatments to the outside world. Our physiotherapist is as dedicated as you are, and will encourage you to achieve all the goals you set forth in the beginning.
How will physiotherapy help me?
The purpose of advanced physiotherapy remains the same, no matter what you are seeking its services for. Perhaps you are still suffering from the lingering pain of an injury. Perhaps you are recovering from surgery and trying to get your range of motion back. Perhaps your joints simply aren’t what they used to be, and you are looking for relief. Whatever the case may be, physiotherapists are dedicated to relieving your pain and getting you back to your peak level of physical health.
A physiotherapist is a movement specialist, educated in analyzing mobility issues with walking, running, jumping, bending, stretching, and almost every other form of physical activity. Our physiotherapist can pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan aimed at improving those areas. Through in-office sessions and at-home exercises, patients strengthen their muscles and joints, improve their balance, build endurance, and experience pain relief, all without the unwanted harmful risks of drugs or surgery.
What should I expect?
Everyone has different needs based on the conditions of their bodies. There is no cookie-cutter approach to health and wellness, as one treatment plan may not work the same for one person as it would for another. Your physiotherapist will work closely with you to evaluate your mobility, balance, range of motion, and severity of pain. Your physical goals will also be taken into account when creating your treatment plan, as well as any health risks that may be holding you back. At your initial evaluation, you may be asked to perform basic movements, such as sitting down, standing up, walking, lifting, stretching, or other motions. Once your physiotherapist has a clear picture of what you need, he or she will begin constructing a treatment plan to help relieve your pain and achieve your goals.
Is physiotherapy right for me?
Yes. Our physiotherapists in Edmonton have the expertise to treat patients at any age and for any ailment. Since physiotherapy encompasses such a broad range of treatments and is completely customizable, we can accommodate the pro athlete recovering from an injury, the senior looking to increase their range of motion or the teenager that has been in a car accident. Consult with one of our Edmonton physiotherapists to see how a customized plan will improve your mobility and your life.
Does physiotherapy only treat limited movement?
No. Physiotherapy treats a very broad range of ailments, including but not limited to pain, fractures, TMJ, sprains, migraines, and post-op recovery. We also help athletes looking to improve in their sport by showing them movements to keep their joints and muscles at peak performance.
Are physiotherapists licenced?
Yes. It is illegal to practice physiotherapy in Canada without a license. Every physiotherapist must register with the regulatory body in their province or territory and only when properly registered can they use the designation “PT.” Each province or territory may have additional protocols over and above the Canadian mandates.
Is physiotherapy covered by Alberta Health Services?
We do not offer Physiotherapy services under Alberta Health Care funding at Cure yet. If you live in Edmonton the physiotherapist must determine your eligibility for funding using criteria set out by AHS. It is not up to a doctor to determine your eligibility. Funding in other locations varies based on priority and resources. Always ask about AHS funding when booking an appointment. To find AHS-funded physiotherapy services in your area, visit Alberta Health Service’s website and search for “physiotherapy.”
Why should I get physiotherapy?
With direct billing and the very skilled therapists at ProActive, why should you suffer in pain or with limited mobility? You and your life have value. There is no need to live with compromised health when solutions are waiting for you. Don’t suffer needlessly. Visit our clinic in the Duggan community of South Edmonton so you can get moving and once again chase your hopes, dreams, kids, and future! If you are living on the west side of Edmonton, AB then visits our Hampton/Edgemont community clinic in Edmonton, AB.
How do I find an expert physiotherapist in Edmonton?
Just call or use our website to book an appointment for general or sports physiotherapy in Edmonton. You don’t need a referral to enjoy the benefits of one of the highest-rated advanced physiotherapy clinics in Edmonton. We also offer direct billing.
In the end, an active lifestyle is more than possible, even if you struggle with chronic pain. If you are looking to improve your health, strength, and physical activity, look no further – we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at Cure today and get started on your journey toward better health and wellness!
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