Find Your Balance Once Again with Vestibular Therapy
Have You Thought of Regaining Your Balance? We Can Help
If your balance is limiting you, vestibular therapy can help.
Feelings of dizziness or vertigo can greatly limit your daily life, making it difficult for you to perform even the simplest tasks without feeling as if you might fall over.
Fortunately, at Cure, we offer some of the most effective vestibular rehab services in Edmonton, AB, aimed at retraining your vestibular system to regulate feelings of stability and balance.
What’s causing my dizziness?
The second most commonly reported complaint within doctors’ offices is dizziness and loss of balance.
In fact, 76 million Americans will experience some sort of dizzy spell or vertigo at some point in their lives.
These are both extremely common conditions that can affect your equilibrium, making you feel off balance.
Symptoms can vary from acute to chronic and in some severe cases, they can even be indicators of serious health risks.
What should I know about vestibular therapy?
Vestibular therapy also referred to as vestibular rehabilitation, is conducted through a process of “adaptation and compensation.”
This means that the vestibular system is actually being “reprogrammed” through both passive and active therapies to form connections with the brain on adjusting imbalances and regaining stability.
Some common balance disorders that we treat through vestibular therapy include:
- Stroke
- Vestibular neuritis
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- Meniere’s disease
- Migraines
At Cure, we provide vestibular therapy for our patients suffering from balance disorders in Edmonton, AB, and surrounding areas.
Balance disorders refer to a broad range of conditions, but they are all connected by the effect they have on the vestibular system, also known as the inner ear.
What is causing my symptoms?
Vestibular issues can arise from many different factors including accident/injury, infections, aging, environmental factors, or complications from compromised vision.
What is vestibular rehabilitation?
Your personal course of treatment will be entirely dependent on your symptoms. Our advanced physiotherapy equipment for vestibular rehabilitation includes technology and techniques to isolate each possible cause, and then design a plan that will be unique to you.
Will my vestibular symptoms send me to the emergency room?
Feeling the world spinning around you is very disconcerting and can be indicative of many issues which may or may not include vestibular diseases. Always seek prompt medical attention as required, be that emergency care, a walk-in clinic, or your family physician if your symptoms are threatening your wellbeing. Vestibular rehabilitation takes place after a diagnosis so we can help improve your condition and reduce its future re-occurrences.
Will you accept direct billing for vestibular rehabilitation in Edmonton?
Yes. The Cure works with most major benefit companies and offers convenient direct billing.
How do I get the best vestibular rehabilitation in Edmonton?
There is no need to suffer from vestibular issues when one of the best Dizziness and Vertigo Clinics in South Edmonton/West Edmonton (Vestibular Rehabilitation) is here to help. Call or book through our website and let us turn your world back around.
Get back on your feet today
If you are searching for vestibular therapy in Edmonton, AB, search no further. We can help you if you are struggling with steadying yourself while standing or walking.
Our specialized services will help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible!
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